‘Relentlessly Mediocre’; ‘Conspicuously Awful’;

‘Spur’ on an excellent brief write up of proceedings at the AGM based on words from Eddie Ramsden wrote the following

  • He was forthright about failures on the pitch over the past few seasons (‘relentlessly mediocre’; ‘conspicuously awful’; ‘an anti-Midas touch’} and said his theory was that there had been insufficient liaison over the years between the various management teams (seven in six seasons) and directors who, not wishing to interfere, had been too hands-off. This was changing, and Stuart and Barry would now be regularly in touch with Darren and Ross. Stuart explained how this was working.

So the worst kept secret at the club is out. It has now been suggested by someone highly respected on the Board, that the pitiful five years of trite football we have had to endure has been to what many of us have known but few suggested, mismanagement of the manager at Board level. It explains why some very good appointments have failed to deliver. I would suggest not a theory but a fact. Of course for a such a long time the question, with the obvious answer, has been a taboo subject with certain members of the Board and their ilk taking great umbrage at such criticism. So when somebody with a very healthy open view on the matter suggests it is the case, we haven’t got to the root of the problem we’ve hopefully smashed it. It has sadly taken the threat of a further relegation for an acceptance at the top of the club that actually the performance of the manager or lack of is entirely their responsibility. To say ‘not wishing to interfere’ in real terms from the start by the current set up is a woefully inept and disastrous attitude.

Reading the earlier write up on Freeman was heartening as he at last seems to be someone who now the Board have woken up to the responsibility of managing the manager probably does not need it so much as you can see the fire in him, he seems very impressive and his approach spot on. Nevertheless, he must be keenly monitored by the Board. It would seem this responsibility will fall to Stuart Fuller and Barry Collins but if current trends continue the whole Board must begin to act decisively. As we blogged before, the appointment of John and Roger the new Board members, has suggested a mark in shift of Board focus to the first team and maybe in the nick of time. However with the acknowledgment of previous mistakes we may just save the community project from the ignominy of failure


It must be a lesson on getting the balance right that must never be forgotten. There have been great strides off the pitch to build the community model at the expense of a team and a crowd to enjoy the fruits of all the work. Let us hope, as it would seem, high horses have been dismounted and lessons have finally been learnt and sleeves will be rolled up accordingly

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